Born in Borgosesia (VC) in 1966, he completed his compulsory studies in his native Valley, and then moved to Milan.
With an eclectic temperament and multiple interests, he has dedicated himself with passion and curiosity to the universe of computer science since the age of 15.
Graduated in biology in 1994, without ever abandoning his passion for computer science
Graduated from the KALAPA SHIATSU Shiin school in via Maiocchi 18 in 2000 he actively participates in the life of the Shiatsu Operatoriin Operators Association, taking care of the first version of the site and the internal IT structure structuring the DB for the management of members.
In 2002 he was elected president of the Association for two years, and vice president the following two years. The activity of shiatsu operator is carried on parallel to that of computer technician.a
In 2011 restructures the code and structure of the new site:
Always attracted by Oriental culture, he devoted himself in an amateur way to the study of Chinese and the calligraphy of ideograms.
For years he studied ORIGAMI creating over 200 original unpublished models.
On many occasions he has held various courses in ORIGAMI at schools and centers of diffusion of oriental culture.
He began working and learning the basics of computer science at ARIS computer snc, (which he left after a few years of collaboration) and in which he carried out a large number of tasks:
from the construction and assembly of PCs, to their maintenance and repair, to the telephone assistance of customers, to the prompt intervention on site at the customers, to co-responsible in a point of sale.
In 1997 he took up the profession.
He then personally develops his IT interests in multiple directions.
Learn for yourself how DBS work and especially Microsoft Access
He pushes the studio so deeply that he creates customizations elaborated through VBA, organizes and holds countless courses at the civic municipal schools of Milan and courses directly managed by him at private offices.
In each course the textbooks were entirely written by himself.
He participated in the open source projects of REACTOS and e.
For some years he has been a senior teacher in systems engineering at Sinervis Consulting in Milan.
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